Published inWriters’ Blokke‘Choose your hard’ is nonsense. Everything is easy, but the society makes it hard.As a woman, I am not choosing my hard, you make my choice hard.Sep 19, 20212Sep 19, 20212
Published inNew Writers WelcomePandemic exposes one’s characteristic: are you the good, the bad, or the ugly?I just see people in three forms: the altruists, the insensible, or the greedy.Sep 13, 20214Sep 13, 20214
Published inNew Writers WelcomeStay Calm When Your Data is Leaked, Because… Everyone Else’s is, even the President’s.Because you really can do nothing. Just sip your bitter coffee. It tastes better.Sep 7, 2021Sep 7, 2021
Published inNew Writers WelcomeHow Tiktok Helps You Lose Your Potential Partner (ft. Sexualization)It exposes your deepest secret.Sep 7, 20211Sep 7, 20211